If your NHS APP Stops Working After Upgrade On 3rd February 2025!!!!

Posted by: rickmills - Posted on:

As of Monday 3rd February 2025, the NHS App will no longer work on a small number of older mobile phones (approx. 0.03% of app users) on the following operating systems

·       iOS 12

·       Android 6

·       Android 7

Patients with these phones will now need to access the app via their internet browser

To do this

Go to https://access.login.nhs.uk/enter-email on a phone, tablet or computer and type in the email address used to register with the NHS App.

If patients are using iOS 13 and iOS 14 on their phones, they can upgrade their devices to the minimum supported version, iOS 15 and the app will then be accessible again.

To do this

Google has a guide on how to check and update your Android version.

Apple has a guide on how to update your iOS on iPhone.