Here at Mytton Oak we are proud to have a patient reference group who provide us with an insight to the views, thoughts and ideas of our patients.
The group has been established for over a year and has already been very supportive by helping us to produce a patient survey.
The Mytton Oak Patient Reference Group is currently a virtual group but there are plans to hold a Patient group meeting in the coming months.. It currently has more than 50 members. The Group is a mix of men and women ranging in age from 40 to . 76, although the results of our most recent survey indicate that responses were received from an even wider age range
To try and obtain wider views of our Patients we currently invite comment, contact and suggestions both directly through our Reception staff and via our website. The group would like to hear more from young patients and families. If you would like to be more involved please contact Adrian Kirsop on 01743 362223 and we will discuss how your views can be represented regularly in a way that is convenient to you.
Members of the patients’ group have experience of a range of medical conditions and situations and this knowledge is very valuable in helping us support specific needs; however they are also very proud of their role in bringing forward the views of all members of the community and support every patient to have their concerns and comments heard if they are asked to do so.